intermediae space. Matadero Madrid 2007
I use hens to represent an excessive movement reaching any place, I use them to create a surface, that with the input of burnt seeds are related to the use and the interpretation I give to word, I arrange these elements to materialize the language I need.I see hens as signs of impossibility, as figures that keep the work unfinished.
I am interested in uncontrolled movement; in things that move without order, that occupy and stretch out as open mistakes, an ambition for complete/hole things.
In order to get it I resort to disorder, not the shape but the development of my decision, the real representation of myself as an artist, and the conflict between space and art.
// Interpreto las gallinas como representaciones de cierta imposibilidad, como figuras que mantienen la obra inacabada. Me interesa el movimiento no controlado. Lo que se desplaza sin orden, que ocupa y se extiende como faltas abiertas. Me sirvo de las gallinas para presentar un (+)